

Ph.D., University of Nebraska-Lincoln, English

Ethnic Studies Specialization. African American Literatures and Poetics

Committee: Hope Wabuke (Co-Chair), Kwame Dawes (Co-Chair), Stacey Waite, Patrick Jones.

M.A., University of Nebraska-Lincoln, English

Master’s Thesis: I Know These Things & Other Lies: Poems

Committee Members: Grace Bauer (chair), Dr. Amelia Montez, Dr. Julia Schleck

B.A. Oklahoma State University, English

Creative Writing Specialization. Minor: Ancient Greek.

Publications & Presentations



“It Seems in America, Loving Yourself Means Forgetting History.” West Trade Review, Spring 2022.

“Confession.” West Trade Review, winter 2021.

“Letter to My Unborn Child.” Ruminate vol 43.3. Summer 2021

“I Would Write But.” Atticus Review. Summer 2021

“The Old Property is Destroying the New Property,” “Where There Is No Law.” Brushfire Literature & Arts Journal. 2020.

“Self-Portrait as Unnoticed Object.” Lucky Jefferson. 2020

““The Big Day.” Mount Island, 2020

“On Darkness”. Typehouse Literacy Magazine, 2020

“American Story for Zaevion Dobson.” Shift: A Journal of Literary Oddities, 2020

“Not Bad.” The Journal. 2020.

“On the Day Lamar Jackson’s Jersey is Sent to the Pope.” Poets Reading the News, 2019

“Poem of the Body.” Birdfeast, 2019.

“Something to Desire,” “Things You Imagine Being,” The Process of Healing,” “Everything to be Seen.” Frontier Mosaic, 2017.



“When My Uncle Showed Up to Our House High On Crack Cocaine.” Quarter After Eight, 2019

“Summer. Daytona Beach, FL.” BAE, vol. 2, 2017



Journal Articles

“An Argument for Cleopatra—the ‘Herculean Hero’— of Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra. Journal of the Wooden O. (Accepted for publication).

“Reality Pedagogy in the First-Year Composition Classroom” St. John’s University’s Humanities Review, 2021.

Book Reviews

“Naming, Silencing, Surviving.” West Branch, 2021

“Everything is intimately distant: A Review of Kwame Dawes’ Nebraska.” The Adroit Journal, 2020

“Making Peace with the Past to Make Way for the Future: A Review of Marianne Kunkel’s Hillary, Made Up.”  F(r)iction, 2019

“A Review of Jericho Brown’s The Tradition.” Prairie Schooner, 2019

“A Review of Angel Garcia’s Teeth Never Sleep.Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review (Accepted).


Book Contributions

“Fetchit, Stepin (1902-1985)” in The Harlem Renaissance: An Encyclopedia of Arts, Culture, and History. California: ABC-CLIO, LLC. (Accepted for publication).

“Pickens, William (1881-1954)” in The Harlem Renaissance: An Encyclopedia of Arts, Culture, and History. California: ABC-CLIO, LLC. (Accepted for publication).

“Waring, Wheeler Laura (1887-1948)” in The Harlem Renaissance: An Encyclopedia of Arts, Culture, and History. California: ABC-CLIO, LLC. (Accepted for publication).



“The Construction of African American Identity in Poetry from the Black Arts Movement to Present.” Pauley Symposium and Rawley Graduate Conference. Lincoln, Nebraska. October 2021.

“Avenues for Black Preservation: Poetry, Psychology, and Restorative Justice.” John R. Milton Writers’ Conference. Vermillion, South Dakota. September 2021.

“From Stepin Fetchit to Lil Pump. Blackface in American entertainment”, Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA), San Diego, California, November 2019.

“‘Songs For the People’: Resistance and the Oral tradition in the writings of Francis E.W. Harper and Charles W. Chesnutt’s Uncle Julius”, James A. Rawley Conference in the Humanities, Lincoln, Nebraska, March 2019.

“‘For few men rightly temper with the stars’: The Historical Context of Female Power in Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra and Titus Andronicus”, No Limits Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska, March 2019.

Teaching Experience


University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Teaching Assistant, Department of English

ENGL 150: Writing and Inquiry

ENGL 151: Writing and Argument

ENGL 170: Introduction to Creative Writing (forthcoming)


Teaching Assistant, Institute for Ethnic Studies

ETHN 100: Introduction to Ethnic Studies

ETHN 200: Introduction to African American Studies (forthcoming)


Instructor, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute

Poetry Writing Workshop

Nebraska Writers’ Collective

Teaching Artist, Louder Than a Bomb: Great Plains


Nebraska Writers Projects’ Young Writers’ Camp

Poetry Writing Workshop Facilitator